I think I may have invented a new spread! For the last few days I have been making apple sauce and bottling it. I also made some jars of peanut butter. Eating spoonfuls of them together, I realised it was a taste mix made in heaven!
SO - Half and half in a jar, mix them up well - voila - Apple peanut butter! Keeps in the fridge a few weeks if you can refrain from eating it with everything, and tastes divine. Spread it on toast or anywhere else and indulge . . .
I don't know if you make your own peanut butter, but here's how I do it -
Buy a bag of nuts, even roasted peanuts will do, spread them on a tray in the oven and roast them for ten minutes or so, until they're slightly burned. Finely grind them in a blender, put into a bowl and add a little salt and olive oil to bind the mixture. I occasionally add a teaspoonful of tamarind paste for extra flavour. That's the lot.
For the apple sauce I peel and core the fruit, slice into rough chunks, put into a pan and boil them down, maybe adding a little water or fruit juice if needed. Add a squirt of lemon juice or citric acid powder and some artificial sweetener (I don't use sugar). Mash it all up with a potato masher and seal the mixture into hot jars. I suppose you could mix the apple mush into the peanut butter then, but I did it a day later when all was cooled.
I've just eaten a vegetable bake with Quorn roast pieces and a good helping of Apple peanut butter! Plenty of protein and fruit to boot . . . .