Pig Latin is the use of English words that in some comical way sound like historical Latin. I first came across it at school where I was learning Latin for OLevel.Someone told me a rhyme in Pig Latin -
Phatipus satibus honor descalorum:
Descipus collapsibus anfati saton florum.
(Fatty sat on a desk - The desk collapsed and Fatty sat on the floor).
For some reason I've always remembered this rhyme, and lately I've been wondering if there were any more rhymes or sayings constructed in this way.
There's very little on the internet, so I posted my rhyme on Facebook in the hope of finding others. The only reply to date is one from one of my relatives -
Caesar adsum iam forte,
Cassius aderat.
Caesar sic in omnibus:
Cassius in is at.
Sed Brutus "Passus sum".
( Caesar had some jam for tea,
Cassius had a rat. Caesar was sick on the bus, Cassius in his hat.
Said Brutus " Pass me some").
I wonder if there are any more.