Remembering a morning in late summer many years ago when I went out to the lawn to find scrambled egg strewn all over it! Great gobbets of yellow mess lying over the grass. It took me a while to find out it was called Storkspit or Dog vomit. A slime-mould called Fuligo Septica. It faded away after a couple of days and I never encountered it again. I truly thought it had fallen from the sky.
I've just dug up some of my Horseradish from the garden to make the roots into Horseradish sauce. I generally grind the chopped root into a fine mush, add some mustard and bind it with vinegar. Eating it blows the back of your head off but I love it!
I bought two gallons of white vinegar the other day to make all sorts of chutney with. I've already made a few jars of apple and sultana, and some onion relish. Years ago I read a recipe for using tinned prunes as a base for chutney. I made some and it was very tasty. I must try it again. But now the long job of peeling all the apples awaits me - but it's well worth it . . .